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13 E-Commerce Challenges and How To Overcome Them in 2024

20 Sep 24  

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Akhila Mathai

Content Writer

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Thinking about starting an ecommerce business? Great idea! Online shopping has exploded recently, with platforms like Shopify making it easy to launch a store. But it’s not without challenges. From choosing products to managing shipping, you’ll face several hurdles, including those related to software development and integration.. Don’t worry though – we’re here to help!

According to recent data, global ecommerce sales reached $4.9 trillion in 2021, showing the massive potential in this space.

Discover the online retail hurdles and fixes to maintain your company’s success. Let’s dive in and set you up for success!

Picking the Right Products

What are you going to sell? With so many options out there, it can be tough to figure out what’ll actually sell and make you money.

What to do:

Check out tools like Shopify’s trend analyzer or Google Trends to see what’s hot right now. Don’t forget about niche products, too! 

They can be real money-makers if you market them right. If you’re using Shopify, try apps like Oberlo to find trending products easily.

Finding Your Ideal Customers

You might have great products, but if you’re not reaching the right people, you’re in for a tough time. Many online stores struggle with this.

What to do:

Use Shopify’s built-in stats or other tools to learn about your customers – who they are, what they buy, what they like.

Create detailed customer profiles to help you market better and speak directly to what your ideal customers want and need.

Making Your Products Stand Out

It’s crucial to make your products shine compared to your competitors. If you don’t, you might see fewer sales and confused customers.

What to do:

Write awesome product descriptions and highlight what makes your stuff special. Use great photos and customer reviews to build trust. If you’re on Shopify, try apps like “” to collect and show off customer reviews.

Crafting Messages That Sell

Creating marketing messages that really click with your audience and make them want to buy can be tricky. Your marketing needs to address what your customers need and want.

What to do:

If you’re on Shopify, use email tools like Klaviyo or Mailchimp to send targeted emails. Focus on how your products help people, not just what they do. Always include a clear next step for customers to take. Try different headlines and offers to see what works best.

Managing Your Marketing Budget

Figuring out how much to spend on marketing is always a challenge. Spend too much without results, and you’ll hurt your profits. Spend too little, and you might miss out on growth.

What to do:

Start by looking at your numbers. Use tools like Shopify’s marketing stats or Google Analytics to see how well your campaigns are doing. Put more money into the stuff that’s working best, like paid ads, email marketing, or teaming up with influencers. There are also apps for your online store that can give you marketing insights to help you make smart choices about where to spend your money.

Creating a Solid Paid Ad Plan

Running good paid ads, like on Google or Facebook, can be tricky. Without a clear plan, you might end up wasting money.

What to do:

Figure out who you’re trying to reach and start small with test campaigns. If you’re using Shopify or BigCommerce, they work well with Google Shopping and Facebook Ads, making it easier to set up and run your ads. There are also apps like AdNabu that can help make your ads work better across different platforms.

Showing People They Can Trust You

Getting potential customers to trust you is super important for online stores. Many businesses struggle with this.

What to do:

Use customer reviews, testimonials, and social media shout-outs to build trust. If you’re on Shopify, try apps like Yotpo or Loox to automatically collect content from your customers. Putting reviews front and center on your product pages can really boost sales.

Making Your Online Store Easy to Use

If your online store is hard to use, people might leave quickly or abandon their carts. Your Shopify store or custom-built app should be easy for people to navigate.

What to do:

Focus on making your site easy to use and look good on mobile devices. Shopify themes offer lots of options to make your site look great and work well. Also, make sure your online store app is up-to-date and runs smoothly.

Turning Visitors into Buyers

Getting people to your store is only half the battle. The real challenge is getting them to actually buy something. Many online stores struggle with low conversion rates even when they have lots of visitors.

What to do:

Try things like offering limited-time discounts, making checkout easier, and using pop-ups to catch people before they leave. If you’re on Shopify, apps like Privy and OptiMonk can help with pop-ups, getting email addresses, and other tricks to boost sales.

Keeping Customers Coming Back

Getting new customers is important, but keeping them coming back is where online stores really make money. Unfortunately, many stores focus only on getting new customers and forget about keeping their current ones happy.

What to do:

Use loyalty programs, email marketing, and ads that target past customers to keep them engaged. If you’re on Shopify, apps like can help you create a loyalty program that encourages people to buy again. Personalizing your emails to existing customers is another great way to keep them coming back.

Making Customers Happy

Even with a great online store and easy checkout, bad customer service can make people leave bad reviews and not come back. Giving awesome service is often really tough.

What to do:

Give customers lots of ways to get help, like live chat, email, and phone. Shopify has cool apps like Tidio and Gorgias that can answer customer questions quickly. Having a FAQ section can also cut down on questions, making your service work better.

Handling Shipping and Stuff

Getting orders out the door and managing what’s in stock is super important for a smooth online store. Dealing with inventory, shipping, and returns can take a lot of time and lead to mistakes.

What to do:

Use tools that keep track of your inventory right in your online store platform. Shopify works with lots of shipping companies, making it easy to automate shipping and returns. Make sure you have a clear return policy and think about using warehouses to handle big orders better.

Keeping Your Online Store Safe

With more bad guys trying to hack websites, keeping your online store safe is super important. If someone breaks in, customers might not trust you anymore and you could lose a lot of money.

What to do:

Make sure your website uses HTTPS, safe ways to pay, and strong passwords. Shopify and most online store platforms come with built-in safety features, like SSL certificates and PCI compliance. You can also use apps like Rewind or SiteLock for extra protection.

Wrapping Up

Running an online store, whether on Shopify or your own custom site, has lots of challenges. But if you understand these common problems and use the right tools and strategies, you can set your business up to do well. From picking products and keeping customers to building your online store app and managing shipping, dealing with these challenges is key to growing in the always-changing world of online selling.